Unlovable Service Must-Have Tools for the Critical Care Nurse

Must-Have Tools for the Critical Care Nurse

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As a critical care nurse, you are responsible for providing care to some of the sickest patients in the hospital. This can be an incredibly rewarding job, but it also comes with its own unique set of challenges. To help make your job easier, here is a list of essential tools that every critical care nurse should have, says Dr Jeremy Barnett , the critical care expert.
Patient Monitoring Equipment
One of the most important tools that a critical care nurse has is patient monitoring equipment. This includes vital sign monitors, ECG machines, pulse oximeters, and other devices that allow you to keep an eye on your patient’s health at all times. Having this equipment at your disposal will allow you to quickly identify any changes in your patient’s condition and take appropriate action.
Medication Administration Devices
Another essential tool for critical care nurses is medication administration devices. These devices allow nurses to administer medications safely and accurately in a timely manner. They also come with features such as barcode scanners and dose calculators that make administering medications much easier and more efficient than traditional methods.
IV Stands and Pumps
IV stands and pumps are also essential tools for critical care nurses. These devices allow you to safely set up, monitor and regulate IV fluids for your patients. They also come with features such as alarms that alert you if the rate of flow is not correct or if there is an obstruction in the IV line.
Computer Systems
Finally, most critical care facilities now rely on electronic medical records (EMR) and computerized order entry systems.
Having the right tools is essential for any profession, but especially for critical care nursing. With the right monitoring equipment and medication administration devices, you can provide better quality care to your patients while also reducing errors and improving efficiency. Investing in these tools will pay off in the long run by helping you do your job better and ultimately providing better outcomes for your patients.

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